Tuesday, April 17, 2007

We made it through the rain.....

So the rains (and snow) have finally stopped. Even though the boys were captive this weekend, they were very good, all things considered. Saturday wasn't actually so bad so we got them outside and played hoping to burn some energy. Sunday, however, was miserable. As was yesterday. School was actually cancelled due to winds and flooding. Jack wasn't happy.....

Here's a photo of the up-and-coming CEO of the Jamieson household. ALways happy to stop working for a quick wave.

And here are some others from Sunday night. Aunt Amy came over to visit.

PS - I haven't figured out how to get the pics. exactly where I want them yet and the boys aren't giving me much "exploratory" time right now so I'll try again next time. Sorry.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Here we go

Here's our first blog for Aunt Julie. Hopefully Mommy can keep up with this but it's doubtful.

Here are some recent pics of us. Owen decided not only does he love to eat with utensils but he also loves chopsticks! And shrimp & avacado rolls. What a cultured baby.....

Are they cool dudes, or what? (not the best of Jack, but still cute, nonetheless....)

Mommy ran us ragged the past two days outside so the rain today isn't so bad today. It's just the cold and snow in the next few days that is making us ANGRY! Owen is saying a new word every day now. He isn't much for the one-syllable words like milk, please or eat, but he does like animals and thank you....a lover of cuisine and linguistics!

Jack has been especially kind to Owen lately and a good helper, too. We saw one of his teachers at the Zoo yesterday and he was completely confused.

More to come after the weekend. We love you, Aunt Julie!